2014: Recipient of the Prize “Premio Sainati”, with the Acknowledgment of the President of the Italian Republic for the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in the area of Philosophy.
November 2014: Nominee for the 2014 World Technology Awards, section "Ethics", Rockefeller Center, in association with the magazines "Time" and "Fortune".
October 2014: Granted the title of Honorary Fellow of the Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Naples "Federico II" (Italy).
April 2015: Named one of the 100 Top Creative making change in the world, ‘ORIGIN’ magazine (US).
September 2017: Named one of the Top Speakers by the Global Agency MindShare, "Journey of the Posthuman" Huddle 2017.
June 2013: Ph.D. in Philosophy and Theory of Human Science, University of Roma Tre, Rome (Italy). Scholarship Recipient. Tutor: Prof. Francesca Brezzi.
European Doctorate Label, Referee: Prof. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany). Reviewers: Prof. Kevin Warwick (University of Reading, England) and Prof. Evi Sampanikou (University of the Aegean, Greece).
July 2003: Master’s Degree in Translation, British Consulate, University of Turin (Italy). Scholarship Recipient. Tutor: Prof. Angelo Morino.
July 2001: Master’s Degree in Gender Studies, the Netherlands Research School of Women’s Studies, University of Utrecht (Holland). Scholarship Recipient. Director of the Program: Prof. Rosi Braidotti.
March 2001: Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Literature and Philosophy (Honors plus Summa Cum Laude). Areas of Specialization: Languages and Foreign Literature (English and Spanish). Gender-Oriented Thesis. University of Turin. Tutor: Prof. Angelo Morino.
June 1996: Graduated in Classical Studies (emphasis on Ancient Greek, Latin, Italian Literature, Philosophy and History), High School “Vittorio Alfieri”, Turin.
Since Fall 2014 (ongoing): Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Program of Liberal Studies, New York University (NYU), New York, US. Teaching:
- Contemporary Philosophy from a Global Perspective ("Global Works and Society 3"; previously called "Social Foundations 3"). Title: "From Humanism to Posthumanism" (taught 2 to 3 sections each semester in: Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018, Fall 2017, Spring 2017, Fall 2016, Spring 2016, Spring 2015).
- Medieval and Modern Philosophy from a Global Perspective ("Global Works and Society 2"; previously called "Social Foundations 2"). Title: "The Meaning of Life: Between Faith, Reason and Visions" (taught 2 sections in: Spring 2019).
- Ancient Philosophy from a Global Perspective ("Global Works and Society 1"; previously called "Social Foundations 1"). Title: "Envisioning Human Existence" (taught in: Fall 2020, Fall 2015, Fall 2014).
2011-2013: Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy of the Posthuman for the Ph.D. Program in Gender Studies, University of Federico II, Naples, Italy.
Fall 2008: Assistant Professor of Gender Studies for the Course on Comparative Literature, coordinated by Prof. Anna Chiarloni, University of Turin.
Fall 2003 / Fall 2008: Gender Studies Instructor, in projects sponsored by the European Union, “Poliedra Progetti Integrati” and CirsDe, University of Turin.
Fall 2003 / Fall 2007: Creative Writing Instructor in primary, secondary and high schools, public libraries and during the Literature Festival “Settimana Letteraria”, organized by the City Hall of Turin.
February 2014 - December 2014: Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Research on Women, Gender and Sexuality “Irwgs”, Columbia University, New York (US). Tutor: Prof. Alondra Nelson.
January 2010 - April 2012: Visiting Scholar at the Department of Philosophy, Columbia University. Tutor: Prof. Achille Varzi.
October 2010 – January 2011: Independent Researcher on Artificial Intelligence and Gender, University of Reading (England). Tutor: Prof. Kevin Warwick.
December 2008: Independent Researcher at the Institute for Research on Women and Gender “Irwag”, Columbia University. Director of the Institute: Elizabeth Povinelli.
Fall 2003 / Fall 2008: Researcher and Webmaster at CirsDe, Center of Women’s and Gender Studies, Directors: Prof. Chiara Saraceno / Prof. Anna Chiarloni, University of Turin.
October 1998 - June 1999: Nine-month Erasmus Scholarship at Central University of Barcelona (Spain), Erasmus European Program Exchange.
May 2020: Certification "Mindfulness Zone", NYU-Global Spiritual Life, New York University (US).
May 2020: Certification "Belonging Zone", NYU-Global Spiritual Life, New York University (US).
May 2019: Certification "Sexual Harassment Prevention", NYU-Equal Opportunities, New York University (US).
April 2016: Certification "Disability Zone Training", NYU-CMEP, Center for Multicultural Education and Programs, New York University (US).
March 2016: Certification "Diversity Zone Training", NYU-CMEP, Center for Multicultural Education and Programs, New York University (US).
November 2015: Certification "Faith Zone Training", NYU-Global Spiritual Life, New York University (US).
January - July 2006: Professional Certification in Multimedia, Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali and the European Union (UE).
September 2001: Intensive Course on the History of the Twentieth Century, Prof. Luisa Passerini, University of Berkeley (US).
April 2001: Intensive Course on the Standpoint Theory, Prof. Sandra Harding (UCLA), University of Utrecht.
January - May 2000: Professional Certification in Gender Studies, CirsDe, Center of Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Turin. Director of the Program: Prof. Chiara Saraceno.
Since 2013: Member of the American Academy of Religion (AAR).
Since 2011: Member of the American Philosophical Association (APA).
Since 2008: Member of the Assembly of CirsDe, University of Turin.
2005 to 2014: Member of the Italian Order of the Journalists, Region of Piedmont (ODG).
Italian: Native.
English: Excellent (Graduate with Honors, University of Turin / TOEFL).
Spanish: Excellent (Graduate with Honors, University of Turin / DELE, highest recognition of Spanish Language for non-native speakers), also in its Latin-American forms.
Latin: Good - Able to read and translate: studied for 5 years.
Ancient Greek: Good - Able to read and translate: studied for 5 years.
Portuguese: Fair (studied at University for two years, completed with honors).
French: Fair (French Intercultural Scholarship, organized by the European Council, August-September 2004, Strasbourg, France).
Catalan: Basic (Level A, Curs de comprensió i iniciació oral, Central University of Barcelona, Spain).
Prof. Rosi Braidotti
Research Advisor
Director of the Centre for the Humanities, Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands).
Prof. Kevin Warwick
Research Advisor
Professor of Cybernetics, School of Systems Engineering, University of Reading (Reading, England).
Prof. Francesca Brezzi
PhD Dissertation Advisor
Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Roma Tre (Rome, Italy).
Prof. Achille C. Varzi
Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Columbia University (New York, US).
Prof. Farzad Mahootian
Teaching Advisor
Clinical Assistant Professor of Liberal Studies, New York University (New York, US).
Dr. Ferrando's biography
(introducing her Keynote at the ASIA-PACIFIC CONSORTIUM of Researchers and Educators 2020):