Dr. Ferrando is the Author of several books and articles.
Her work has been translated into numerous languages.
Dr. Ferrando is also Editor and Reviewer.
Her work has been translated into numerous languages.
Dr. Ferrando is also Editor and Reviewer.

Dr. Ferrando's monograph Philosophical Posthumanism was released by Bloomsbury Publishing (Hardcover 2019; paperback 2020). Preface by Rosi Braidotti.

The notion of 'the human' is in need of urgent redefinition. At a time of radical bio-technological developments, and in light of the political and environmental imperatives of our age, the term 'posthuman' provides an alternative.
The philosophical landscape which has developed as a response to the crisis of the human, includes several movements, such as: Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Antihumanism and Object Oriented Ontology. This book explains the similarities and differences between these currents and offers a detailed examination of a number of topics that fall under the “posthuman” umbrella, including the anthropocene, artificial intelligence and the deconstruction of the human.
Dr. Ferrando affords particular focus to Philosophical Posthumanism, defined as a philosophy of mediation which addresses the meaning of humanity not in separation, but in relation to technology and ecology. The posthuman shift thus emerges in the global call for social change, responsible science and multispecies coexistence.
The notion of 'the human' is in need of urgent redefinition. At a time of radical bio-technological developments, and in light of the political and environmental imperatives of our age, the term 'posthuman' provides an alternative.
The philosophical landscape which has developed as a response to the crisis of the human, includes several movements, such as: Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Antihumanism and Object Oriented Ontology. This book explains the similarities and differences between these currents and offers a detailed examination of a number of topics that fall under the “posthuman” umbrella, including the anthropocene, artificial intelligence and the deconstruction of the human.
Dr. Ferrando affords particular focus to Philosophical Posthumanism, defined as a philosophy of mediation which addresses the meaning of humanity not in separation, but in relation to technology and ecology. The posthuman shift thus emerges in the global call for social change, responsible science and multispecies coexistence.
Preface and Book Endorsements
"This book is a rapturous departure - the line of flight of a queen bee"
From the preface by philosopher Rosi Braidotti.
"This book is a rapturous departure - the line of flight of a queen bee"
From the preface by philosopher Rosi Braidotti.
"If you want to know what Posthumanism is all about and peek into our future world, then dive into the book and wallow in its pages." Kevin Warwick, Emeritus Professor at Coventry and Reading Universities, UK
“This is an account of the theoretical foundations and practice of posthumanism that is impressively scholarly, ethically engaged and engaging.” David Roden, Associate Lecturer in Philosophy, The Open University, UK |

"Philosophical Posthumanism is a masterpiece: it has convinced me of many things, including that one cannot decolonize this world without embracing posthumanism." Robin D. G. Kelley, Distinguished Professor of American History, UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), US
The book has been endorsed by Prof. N. Katherine Hayles,
Distinguished Professor Emerita of Literature, Duke University (US),
Author of How We Became Posthuman (University of Chicago Press).
The Journal of Posthuman Studies, Vol. 1 No. 2 (December 2021), has dedicated a full Dossier to Dr Ferrando's Philosophical Posthumanism Session at the 42nd Annual KJSNA Meeting. This includes 4 commentaries by eminent scholars, and the response by Dr. Ferrando: "Beyond Posthuman Theory: Tackling Realities of Everyday Life".
The Journal of Posthuman Studies, Vol. 1 No. 2 (December 2021), has dedicated a full Dossier to Dr Ferrando's Philosophical Posthumanism Session at the 42nd Annual KJSNA Meeting. This includes 4 commentaries by eminent scholars, and the response by Dr. Ferrando: "Beyond Posthuman Theory: Tackling Realities of Everyday Life".
Philosophical Posthumanism has been reviewed in the following Journals, among others:
In English
In English
The Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture: "Philosophical Posthumanism will guide social theorists as well as activists who aspire to change the world"
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal Interconnections: "Energetic, intriguing, and involving!"
Click here to read the full review.
The VTU Review: Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences: "A major contribution"
Click here to read the full review.
Ariel: A Review of International English Literature: "A veritable action plan that moves beyond theoretical paralysis and into everyday life."
Click here to read the full review.
The Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy: "One of the book’s greatest services to the philosopher and non-philosopher alike is its clear delineation between transhumanism and posthumanism." Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Hong Kong Review of Books": "Reading Ferrando’s book while isolated during the Covid-19 pandemic, (...) seems more important than ever."
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Angelaki" by Professor Orna Raviv: "This book is a must"
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Popular Inquiry": "A philosophical theory with practical implications for contemporary and future societies" Click here to read the full review.
The Magazine "Cultural Capital": "A wholly exciting, easy to follow, and useful reference"
Click here to read the full review.
The Magazine "KULT Online": "Ferrando delineates the field and expands it simultaneously"
Click here to read the full review.
The Magazine "Philosophy Now": "An ontology of the posthuman that embraces the whole of reality" Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Philosophy in Review": "The power of critical thinking"
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Theory, Culture and Society": "An erudite and important contribution"
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions": "An exceptional and exemplary primer on the subject". Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "AI & Society": "The author meets highest academic standards"
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Przegląd Kulturoznawczy":"I would definitely recommend it".
Click here to read the full review.
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal Interconnections: "Energetic, intriguing, and involving!"
Click here to read the full review.
The VTU Review: Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences: "A major contribution"
Click here to read the full review.
Ariel: A Review of International English Literature: "A veritable action plan that moves beyond theoretical paralysis and into everyday life."
Click here to read the full review.
The Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy: "One of the book’s greatest services to the philosopher and non-philosopher alike is its clear delineation between transhumanism and posthumanism." Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Hong Kong Review of Books": "Reading Ferrando’s book while isolated during the Covid-19 pandemic, (...) seems more important than ever."
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Angelaki" by Professor Orna Raviv: "This book is a must"
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Popular Inquiry": "A philosophical theory with practical implications for contemporary and future societies" Click here to read the full review.
The Magazine "Cultural Capital": "A wholly exciting, easy to follow, and useful reference"
Click here to read the full review.
The Magazine "KULT Online": "Ferrando delineates the field and expands it simultaneously"
Click here to read the full review.
The Magazine "Philosophy Now": "An ontology of the posthuman that embraces the whole of reality" Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Philosophy in Review": "The power of critical thinking"
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Theory, Culture and Society": "An erudite and important contribution"
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions": "An exceptional and exemplary primer on the subject". Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "AI & Society": "The author meets highest academic standards"
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Przegląd Kulturoznawczy":"I would definitely recommend it".
Click here to read the full review.
In Spanish
The Journal "Conoce EHE" by Rodrigo Esparza Parga (Universidad Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico) (2021). Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Isegoría, Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política" by Myriam Hernández Domínguez (Universidad de La Laguna, Spain) (2020). Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "La Letra Urbana" by Prof. Moira Fradinger (Yale University, US) (2020):
"Entrevista a Francesca Ferrando".
The Journal "Divagancias" by Prof. Moira Fradinger (Yale University, US) (2020):
"Lo posthumano. Entrevista a Francesca Ferrando".
In Italian
The Journal "DWF" by Dr. Isabella Pinto (2020): "Philosophical Posthumanism".
The Journal "Vivo" by Dr. Giorgio Boccaccio (2020): "Ridefinire l'Uomo non e' sufficiente".
In Slovak
The Journal "World Literature Studies", vol. 13, no. 1 by Pavlína Bakošová (2021).
Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "Isegoría, Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política" by Myriam Hernández Domínguez (Universidad de La Laguna, Spain) (2020). Click here to read the full review.
The Journal "La Letra Urbana" by Prof. Moira Fradinger (Yale University, US) (2020):
"Entrevista a Francesca Ferrando".
The Journal "Divagancias" by Prof. Moira Fradinger (Yale University, US) (2020):
"Lo posthumano. Entrevista a Francesca Ferrando".
In Italian
The Journal "DWF" by Dr. Isabella Pinto (2020): "Philosophical Posthumanism".
The Journal "Vivo" by Dr. Giorgio Boccaccio (2020): "Ridefinire l'Uomo non e' sufficiente".
In Slovak
The Journal "World Literature Studies", vol. 13, no. 1 by Pavlína Bakošová (2021).
Click here to read the full review.
"Francesca Ferrando‘s Philosophical Posthumanism is the best book on transhumanism
that I have read so far. I believe that it is a must-read
for transhumanists and non-transhumanists alike."
Nikola Danaylov, "Singularity"
Philosophical Posthumanism has just been translated into Spanish by David Sánchez: Posthumanismo filosófico. Publisher: Editorial Materia Oscura, June 2023.
Philosophical Posthumanism has been translated into Russian
by Alexandra Pavlova: Философский постгуманизм.
Publisher: The Higher School of Economics Publishing House.
Philosophical Posthumanism has just been translated into Korean by Jeesun Rhee introduction by Sangkyu Shin: 철학적 포스트휴머니즘. Publisher: Acanet.
Philosophical Posthumanism has just been translated into Spanish by David Sánchez: Posthumanismo filosófico. Publisher: Editorial Materia Oscura, June 2023.
Philosophical Posthumanism has been translated into Russian
by Alexandra Pavlova: Философский постгуманизм.
Publisher: The Higher School of Economics Publishing House.
Philosophical Posthumanism has just been translated into Korean by Jeesun Rhee introduction by Sangkyu Shin: 철학적 포스트휴머니즘. Publisher: Acanet.
Chapters have been translated into:
- German:
"Philosophischer Posthumanismus" has been translated by the Research Center for Social and Cultural Studies, published by Brill (in press).
- Polish:
Excerpts are currently being translated by Dr. Justyna Stępień for the Journal Teksty Drugie, Posthumanities Centre at the University of Lodz, Poland.
- Spanish:
Chapters 9-10 and Interlude 1 have been translated by Dr. Gabriela Balcarce, Journal "Instantes Y Azares - Escrituras Nietzscheanas", Dossier: "Modos posthumanos de la subjetividad y del ser-con-otrxs", Volume 21, Issue 26, pp. 97-121, 2021.
Chapters "Autopoiesis Cognitiva" and "Perspectivismo Posthumano" have been translated by Myriam Hernández Domínguez in: Revista Iberoamericana 88 (281), 857-867 / 869-880, Liverpool University Press, 2022.
- German:
"Philosophischer Posthumanismus" has been translated by the Research Center for Social and Cultural Studies, published by Brill (in press).
- Polish:
Excerpts are currently being translated by Dr. Justyna Stępień for the Journal Teksty Drugie, Posthumanities Centre at the University of Lodz, Poland.
- Spanish:
Chapters 9-10 and Interlude 1 have been translated by Dr. Gabriela Balcarce, Journal "Instantes Y Azares - Escrituras Nietzscheanas", Dossier: "Modos posthumanos de la subjetividad y del ser-con-otrxs", Volume 21, Issue 26, pp. 97-121, 2021.
Chapters "Autopoiesis Cognitiva" and "Perspectivismo Posthumano" have been translated by Myriam Hernández Domínguez in: Revista Iberoamericana 88 (281), 857-867 / 869-880, Liverpool University Press, 2022.
"¡Por fin! Posthumanismo filosófico es siempre mi respuesta a la pregunta de por dónde empezar a leer sobre lo Posthumano. Ya podemos celebrar que esta magnífica obra de mi admirada Francesca Ferrando está traducida. ¡Disfrútenla!"*
Myriam Hernández Domínguez,
Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), Spain.
*English translation:
"Finally! Philosophical Posthumanism is always my answer to the question of where to start reading about the Posthuman. We can now celebrate that this magnificent work by my admired Francesca Ferrando has been translated. Enjoy it!"
Myriam Hernández Domínguez,
Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), Spain.
*English translation:
"Finally! Philosophical Posthumanism is always my answer to the question of where to start reading about the Posthuman. We can now celebrate that this magnificent work by my admired Francesca Ferrando has been translated. Enjoy it!"
Translation Rights
If you are interested in translating the book to other languages, please click here.
If you are interested in translating the book to other languages, please click here.
In Italian
![]() Dr. Ferrando's Philosophical Posthumanism organically emerged, from 2016 to 2019, out of her first monograph Il Postumanesimo Filosofico e le sue Alterità, released in Italian in 2016 by Edizioni ETS, book series "Philosophica", translation by Dr. Balzano and Dr. Ferrando. Il Postumanesimo Filosofico e le sue Alterità developed out of Dr. Ferrando's Ph.D Dissertation, which was awarded the Prize “Premio Sainati” with the Acknowledgment of the President of the Italian Republic. Reviews of the book have been published in: Cosmo by Davide Sisto, July 2017; Relations by Angela Balzano, November 2016; L'Indice by Leonardo Caffo, October 2016; La Stampa by Federico Vercellone, September 15th 2016 (national edition). |

It is our honor to announce that postmodern philosopher Gianni Vattimo presented the book with Dr. Ferrando, at the event "Postmodern/Posthuman", University of Turin, 2018.
To read Dr. Ferrando's articles, click here.